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Weight gain, a loss of elasticity, and genetics contribute to a less-than-chiseled jawline. 

Working remotely has meant endless hours of staring at our faces on video calls, making us more aware of our appearance realities. This has prompted a growing interest in cosmetic surgery, particularly facial enhancement procedures in both men and women.

Men are increasingly concerned with their appearance, and many seek a strong, well-defined jawline to add to their masculinity. 

Man before and after his jawline contouring surgery with jaw implant.

What Do 2021 Projections Say?

According to the Aesthetic Society, jawline contouring is likely to see a spike in 2021. Now that virtual meetings and video calls are the new normal, it is not surprising that men are becoming more self-conscious about their weak chins and the loss of muscle in the jawline, which they feel is taking away from their facial harmony. 

As a result, they may desire a more chiseled look to amp up their masculinity and facial profile.

There are different options for jawline contouring. The right technique depends on several factors, including the level of improvement needed and skin laxity.

Why Is Jawline Contouring in Men Important?

Better Definition Along the Jawline

If you are bothered by your recessed/weak chin or under-defined jawline, jawline contouring with facial implants can improve facial harmony by adding structure, size, and shape to your facial structure. 

Depending on your facial features, a chin or mandible implant is used to create a better jawline definition to restore facial balance.

Additionally, if you seek to resolve an undefined jawline and fat “double chin,” effective options such as neck lift surgery can be used to help reveal a more defined chin and jawline.

Reduced Appearance of Sagging Skin

The negative effects of aging impact the elasticity of the jawline, creating jowls that affect the balance of the face. 

Combining facial implants with other facial rejuvenation procedures like facelift surgery can help to tighten the skin around the neck and define the jaw for a dramatic difference.

More Refreshed and Youthful Appearance

The shape of the jawline and chin can make a significant difference in our overall appearance. 

Jawline contouring tightens the skin around your jaw, giving a more youthful look. Issues like dimples, wrinkles, and creases on the chin and jawline will be smoothed out with fillers, laser skin tightening, or a combination of the procedures.

Interested in Learning More About Jawline Contouring?

Dr. Calabria is experienced in a wide range of facial enhancement procedures and will thoroughly evaluate each individual to see how best they would benefit from jawline contouring. 

Depending on your needs and unique anatomy, you will either qualify for non-invasive facial rejuvenation, a facial implant, or both to achieve a sculpted aesthetic that enhances your masculine contours. 

Contact us today or fill our online form to schedule a consultation.