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The way men view plastic surgery is changing. More men are turning to surgical solutions to enhance their features and increase their confidence. Men who are unhappy with the structure of their face can turn to facial implants to achieve a more sculpted look. The three main problem areas are the jawline, cheeks, and chin. A well-defined chin and chiseled jawline are recognized as masculine facial features almost everywhere. More defined cheeks can affect the proportions of the entire face.

Plastic surgery concept- chin implant

Dr. Calabria offers several options for facial implants that will enhance your features and make your face look more masculine. Facial implants are made of solid silicone and are placed over the periosteum (a layer of vascular tissue that envelops most of your bones), which helps them feel more like natural bone after recovery. Results are permanent, and scarring is minimal.


A broad, square jaw is the sign of the masculine facial structure. Inserting implants along the mandible (lower jaw) can help by widening and redefining the edges of the jaw.


A weak chin affects the look of the entire face and can negatively impact your public image. Implants can be inserted through incisions placed inside the mouth or from under the chin to enhance the contour and improve the projection of the jaw.


Sunken or sagging cheeks are a very recognizable sign of aging and undefined cheekbones often soften the look of the face. Cheek implants can make the cheekbones look more sculpted and fill out the sunken skin. Even a small change can make a big difference.

During your recovery time from these facial enhancement procedures, it is recommended that you limit physical activity for up to six weeks to avoid complications. Any bruising or swelling should dissipate in about one week. Since most incisions are made inside the mouth, you should not experience scarring.

Combination Procedures

Facial implants can be combined with other facial procedures, including facelift surgery, neck lift, or brow lift, to completely transform your facial appearance. Dr. Calabria will consult with you to determine the results you are looking for and how to achieve them.

If you are ready to give your face the chiseled look you desire, call Dr. Calabria at (310) 777-0069 to schedule your consultation.