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A furrowed brow typically signifies intensity, concentration, or even malice. 

And for men, the brow area is highly prominent, even more so than women. Deep furrows, sagging, and drooping can quickly create an unattractive look. 

Men are now turning to plastic surgery in growing numbers to lift sagging muscles and achieve a less intense facial appearance.

Dr. Calabria offers the endoscopic brow lift, an innovative new brow lift technique that offers even more precision and beautifully natural-looking results. 

What Does a Brow Lift Do?

For men, a brow lift can be one of the only surgical procedures they need to look their best. 

Set male eyes, looks straight up, squint with different facial expressions

Men, in particular, seem to carry a lot on their brows. This area, in turn, is one of the first to start showing deep furrows and folds. 

These folds and furrows can give off an impression many men don’t want to give—and even make them look years older than they are. 

Brow lift surgery can help men deal with these concerns. Here are three ways it’s a particularly good choice for men:

1. Gets Rid of an “Angry” Look

Having a forehead that droops or sags excessively can negatively affect the appearance. 

For men, it often makes them look angry or disturbed, even if they’re otherwise calm. 

With a brow lift, Dr. Calabria removes the extra tissue that makes foreheads sag, brightening up the appearance immediately. 

2. Refreshes Your Appearance

An endoscopic brow lift can: 

  • Lift eyebrow area
  • Smooth over deep folds and furrows
  • Reduce fine lines around the eyes

3. Avoids Further Surgery

Many men are wary of looking “overdone.” A brow lift can be a good way of rejuvenating the appearance without having to go through more invasive means. 

But a brow lift is also incredibly versatile. Dr. Calabria can easily combine a brow lift with an eyelid lift or facelift if a patient desires.

What Is a Brow Lift?

A brow lift targets the sagging or drooping tissue along the forehead and eyebrow

The procedure involves removing the excess tissue that causes sagging and tightening the underlying muscles for a smoother, visibly rejuvenated effect. 

Doctor examining mans face before Endoscopic Brow Lift

A brow lift is typically performed as an outpatient procedure, with incisions along the hairline to allow surgeons to tighten tissue. 

While many patients can go back to work within a week after surgery, full recovery can take anywhere from two to four weeks. 

What Is an Endoscopic Brow Lift?

As a leader in facial rejuvenation, Dr. Calabria is happy to offer the endoscopic brow lift—a true step forward in surgical methods that gets patients beautiful results. 

An endoscopic brow lift uses smaller incisions than a regular brow lift. An endoscope, or small surgical camera, is inserted into those incisions. 

This allows Dr. Calabria the best access to tighten tissues and muscles, resulting in a more natural-looking outcome and also cutting down the risk of scarring.

What’s more, the method also means recovery is much shorter than going the traditional route. 

Recovery from endoscopic brow lift surgery typically takes several days, although strenuous activity will need to be avoided for a few weeks. 

Want to Learn More About Brow Lift Surgery? 

Dr. Calabria offers his services at his Rancho Mirage, Beverly Hills office, and Milan, Italy offices. 

For appointments in Rancho Mirage, call 760-836-0077. For appointments in Beverly Hills, call  310-879-1488. For appointments in Milan, Italy, call 39.349.4662323